Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Just a quick note to let you all know we are safe and sound at home. And a big thank you for all of your encouraging words over the last two weeks.

After a near flight miss in HK, a sleepless night in SF and an hour delay into SLC, our transit clock stopped at 31 hours (give or take an hour). The eleven hour HK to SF flight was by far the most painful. Catering to the whims of little Marin, we basically sat in a virtual sensory isolation chamber for 11 hours, with a bad meal thrown at us couple times. We joked that we would take 11 hours of labor in a delivery room, over this ordeal any day (even if Justin was birthing the baby).
As you can see from the pics, the rewards for enduring were very sweet. It was such a welcome site to see our family and friends, waiting to meet us with open arms. Marin certainly felt the love and she took all the attention in stride, with big smiles for everyone. And holding our Helena felt especially precious . We are now recovering from some brutal jet-lag, which we hope to pass in the coming days. We will be back to give a full report on our progress, but for tonight, we will let the pics tell our happy homecoming story. A special thanks to the Cannons and Scherers for coming out to greet us.
Its good to be home.


  1. Oh, my dear God...I am without words. It must feel so good to be back home with your two baby girls asleep in their beds. I am so happy for you guys!!! I have never given birth but I must agree that I would rather experience that instead of traveling for 31 hrs. It is painful! Get rest my friends. Update us when you can.


  2. Congratulations on your beautiful new daughter! I am Cori's friend, Jen, and you might not remember, but I have met Justin and Helena a (long) while back at a gym play date and then talked to Justin last year regarding adoption. Unfortunately, our story has not turned out as well as yours... yet... as we as STILL in process now with Ethiopia (former Taiwan). Seeing your blog is very inspiring and reminding me that keeping our chin up can lead to happy endings! You have such a lovely family and congrats again!
