Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Consulate Appointment? Check.

Well, we received the official word today. With our consulate appointment secured in Guangzhou, we are heading to China on January 13th! Yes, that is just 15 days away and our "to-do" list is growing, steadily. Justin has been diligently working on Marin's new bedroom...painting, re-wiring, carpet-cleaning, etc., but now we have even more motivation to finish the job. Its weird to look in on that room, which has been our office for the past four years, and see the makings of a baby room. There's a crib, dresser, changing table, and rocker --most items courtesy of Helena. She has been very generous with her old things and has even provided her new baby sister with a special stuffed bunny, which matches the room's decor. Of course giving up your old furniture for brand-spankin-new stuff, makes parting with it a bit easier. As well as being comfortable, little Marin will be well dressed. Thanks to the generosity of grandmothers, sisters and good friends, Marin's closet will be stocked with slightly used hand-me-downs. Its nice to dwell on the easy, simple things and not the whirlwind awaiting us in two short weeks (like learning to feed a baby with a pigeon nipple --more on that later).
Oh yeah, and the packing. We have "the list" in a high traffic area so we can add to it as soon as we think of something. This time we will not forget the gourmet instant coffee, the Zicam and most importantly pureed prunes (for Marin, of course).

1 comment:

  1. Val, Justin, and Lena:

    We are so excited for you and Marin! She is so beautiful, and we anxiously await seeing her and getting to meet her at church in the coming months. Will also faithfully follow your blogging to live vicariously through you!

    Let us know if there is anything we can do here on the home front to help out!

    And I have to say when I opened this page, I thought you were adopting an older child. Lena looks soooo grown up in that picture. Is that the same little girl I see every week?!
